TopicTag: Automatic Annotation of NMF Topic Models Using Chain of Thought and Prompt Tuning with LLMs

Topic modeling is a technique for organizing and extracting themes from large collections of unstructured text. Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a common unsupervised approach that decomposes a term frequency-inverse document frequency …

Cyber-Security Knowledge Graph Generation by Hierarchical Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Much of human knowledge in cybersecurity is encapsulated within the ever-growing volume of scientific papers. As this textual data continues to expand, the importance of document organization methods becomes increasingly crucial for extracting …

Catch'em all: Classification of Rare, Prominent, and Novel Malware Families

National security is threatened by malware, which remains one of the most dangerous and costly cyber threats. As of last year, researchers reported 1.3 billion known malware specimens, motivating the use of data-driven machine learning (ML) methods …

Electrical Grid Anomaly Detection via Tensor Decomposition

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems often serve as the nervous system for substations within power grids. These systems facilitate real-time monitoring, data acquisition, control of equipment, and ensure smooth and efficient …

Interactive Distillation of Large Single-Topic Corpora of Scientific Papers

Highly specific datasets of scientific literature are important for both research and education. However, it is difficult to build such datasets at scale. A common approach is to build these datasets reductively by applying topic modeling on an …